Mount and blade making money
Mount and blade making money

You can view the tournament leaderboard for a particular settlement from the tournament menu. In addition to the base value of denars that can be won, you can also win specific prize items which vary depending on the local settlement inventory and the rank at which you are participating.

mount and blade making money

By doing so, if you win the tournament you could be seeing profits in the tens of thousands, especially when you are facing high ranked opponents. There are no special requirements, but you may wish to raise the stakes by increasing the amount of denars that you bet on any given battle within the tournament. You can then travel to the relevant settlement and sign up for the tournament. Here you can speak with a tournament master to find out where the nearest tounament is taking place. All you need to do is visit any major settlement and enter the arena. If you feel confident in your combat abilities, winning tournaments is one of the easiest and quickest ways to earn a lot of money. To find tournaments, go to a city and ask the arena master if there are any.Subsubscribe to Premium to Remove Ads How to Make Money in Bannerlord: Winning Tournaments ¶ If you place a max bet on yourself each round, you can earn up to 4000. The tournament reward is usually not too great, but its possible to earn a few thousand denars by betting on yourself. You can earn a lot of money by finding tournaments and entering them. You will lose opinion with the towns and villages, -5 opinion, when you collect the taxes. You could do the same but invest in armor and weapons.

mount and blade making money

When I made enough profit I payed back the Lords.

mount and blade making money

But when I collected the taxes I didn't bring them to the Lord strait away, I invested it buying goods and building factories usually the one that cost 10K. In one game I decide to play as a merchant, I accepted all the quests to collect taxes for lords, you can make like 6K from each. However there are other ways of making money.

mount and blade making money

If you find a tournament that suits your combat style go for it. While I agree that tournaments one of the fastest ways of making quick cash, you are not guaranteed to win and you also need 500+ to bet 100 each round.

Mount and blade making money